The Wanted Life is an American reality television series that follows the English-Irish boy band group The Wanted.The series premiered June 2, 2013, at 10 pm ET/PT on E!. Announced on February 6, 2013, The Wanted Life chronicles the five piece band as they record their third album and plan their first world tour. Despite acquiring 600,000 viewers for its inaugural 10 p.m. premiere, The Wanted Life was able to achieve 1.7 million viewers after three reruns of the series throughout the same night.
Genre: Reality
Stars: Tom Parker, Max George, Siva Kaneswaran, Nathan Sykes, Jay McGuiness
Crew: Mark W. Roden, Lori Gordon, Danny Rose, Ashley Tabor, Scooter Braun, Nathan Sykes
Country: US
Studio: E!
Runtime: 22:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jun 02, 2013
Last air date: Jul 14, 2013
Episode: 7 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4