As humanity begins migrating beyond Earth, a new Ultraman named Dyna arrives and bonds with defense organization GUTS' newest recruit, Shin Asuka, to protect a colony on Mars.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama
Stars: Takeshi Tsuruno, Syunsuke Gondo, Risa Saito, Ryo Kinomoto, Mariya Yamada, Hiroshi Nagano
Crew: Hiromitsu Muraishi, Aika Ohta, Kazuo Tsuburaya
Country: JP
Studio: MBS
Runtime: 25:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 06, 1997
Last air date: Aug 22, 1998
Episode: 51 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 2.083
Keywords:japan, monster, hero, villain, superhero, extraterrestrial, giant monster, kaiju, giant, supervillain, kyodai hero, ultraman, henshin heroes, ultraman dyna, tokusatsu