Set in the early 1930s, this groundbreaking all-male film follows a young man struggling with his homosexuality while attending an elite boarding school in England. When Robert (Chase Austin) is caught in a passionate tryst with another student, his punishment is a flogging by the Headmaster and a four-week suspension from school. Robert goes home to serve his punishment and meets his mother's new fiancee, the older, nurturing Daniel (Boston Miles). Feeling an instant, mutual attraction, the two men look for ways to get closer, while dark family secrets begin to emerge. With gorgeous cinematography, rich, emotional performances and passionate, real sex scenes, famed director Nica Noelle has set a new standard in all-male erotic film.
Stars: Chase Austin, Boston Miles, Brenden Cage, Travis Irons, Tyler Sweet, Xander Corvus
Crew: Nica Noelle (Director), Nica Noelle (Writer), Jerry Anders (Executive Producer), Ian Whitcomb (Music), SeaBee (Editor), Ruth (Costumer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Rock Candy Films
Runtime: 126 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 2012
IMDb: 3
Keywords:gay pornography