This historical drama is based on a play by Henrik Ibsen and set in the year 1528. The central figure in the low-keyed story is a Norwegian noblewoman who is seeking to bring independence to that country despite the involved political intrigues of the Swedes and Danes, who are using Norway as a pawn in their rivalries.
Stars: Ingerid Vardund, Hennika Skjønberg, Frits Helmuth, Lasse Kolstad, Micha Gabay, Keve Hjelm
Crew: Henrik Ibsen (Writer), Egil Monn-Iversen (Music Arranger), Egil Monn-Iversen (Producer), Sverre Udnæs (Director), Åse Vikene (Writer)
Country: Norway
Language: Norsk
Studio: EMI-Produksjon A/S, Norsk Film
Runtime: 97 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 02, 1975
IMDb: 5