Behind the Sightings follows Todd and Jessica Smith, two filmmakers from Raleigh in North Carolina, who set out to produce a documentary exploring the highly publicized, creepy clown sighting epidemic, which was investigated by local law enforcement. As the young married couple venture into Peachtree Way, Nash County, in search of clowns, what they found was far from funny.
Stars: Jan Hartsell, Todd Smith, Jessica Smith
Crew: Tony Cadwell (Director), Norman Alston (Producer), Hemang Prajapati (Foley Editor), Hemang Prajapati (Sound Editor), Sean Edevane (Key Grip), Vicki O'Reilly Vandegrift (Foley Artist)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Tommy V Productions, White Glove Productions
Runtime: 81 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 06, 2021
IMDb: 6.2