Aparichithan movie revolves around three college girls who are very close friends. Meenakshi (Kavya), Devi (Manya) and Simi (Karthika) are very good friends. Once they get caught for stealing the question papers for the exam and were expelled from the college. As they did not want to go home.
Genre: Horror
Stars: Mammootty, Kavya Madhavan, Mahhi Vij, Karthika Mathew, Manya, Vineeth Kumar
Crew: Sanjeev Sivan (Director), Suresh Peters (Music), Siraj (Producer), Sanjeev Sivan (Writer), A K Sajan (Writer), Sreekar Prasad (Editor)
Country: India
Studio: Valiyaveettil Movie International
Runtime: 116 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 16, 2004
IMDb: 6.3