In the Kyōhō era under the Tokugawa shogunate, a conspiracy to usurp the household unfolded at Shinshū Kurohime Castle. The lord, Yūki Takanobu (played by Kurama Hayatarō), was targeted by his concubine O-Ran (Ayukawa Tōshiko) and her son Harunosuke, conspiring with the evil steward, Ōnuki Jūtayū (Kagawa Ryōsuke). Takanobu was assassinated by Jūtayū's swordsman Totsuka Denpachirō (Morozumi Keijirō) during a hunting expedition. The righteous elder retainer, Mizuki Shōzaemon, faced a crisis after supporting the legitimate heir, Takechiyo.
Stars: Tomiemon Otomo, Katsuo Nakamura, Chikako Miyagi, Hiroko Nakagawa, Eiji Wakasugi
Crew: Tadashi Ashihara (Director), Masayoshi Ikeda (Music), Tadaoto Kainoshō (Costume Design), Yoshiro Tomita (Screenplay), Haruo Takeno (Cinematography)
Language: 日本語
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jun 29, 1956
IMDb: 10