76-year-old Oda Momojiro (Fuji), who lost his beloved wife and was living a lonely life, reunites with Sakura (Yamaguchi Karin), with whom he worked together as a rugby club manager during their student days. When Sakura learns that the day care service she runs is in danger of going bankrupt, she gathers her former rugby club friends and devise a plan...
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Tatsuya Fuji, Saburo Ishikura, Miyu Honda, Misato Tanaka, Masaaki Daimon, Kohji Moritsugu
Crew: Kenji Takama (Cinematography), Jun Abe (Music), Takanori Noda (Director), Takanori Noda (Screenplay)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: 「それいけ!ゲートボールさくら組」製作委員会, Tokyo Theatres Company
Runtime: 107 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 12, 2023
IMDb: 10